Activitate I2DS2
I2DS2 organizes the Panel “Geostrategy Cyberscaling” within the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constanța
On 28.06.2021, 10.00-12.00, I2DS2 will co-organize with the Romanian Association for Security Education and Culture - ARECS, the Panel "Geostrategy Cyberscaling" of the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constant.
The panel will be moderated by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2 and will benefit from the extraordinary participation of Gl. (R) Ștefan Dănilă, former head of SMAp and member of CD of I2DS2, dr. Claudiu Lucaci, strategist and lecturer SNSPA, Mr. Gabriel Mazilu, strategist and former deputy director of the National Cyberint Center and (r) Mihai Liviu Dănilă, vice-president of ARECS and TAIEX Expert.
The panel will address global geopolitical dynamics, the impact of new technologies on today's world, cybersecurity on the agenda of international political, security and defence organizations, strategic communication vs fake news and propaganda in cyberspace.
More details on the conference website
I2DS2 organizes the Panel “Geostrategy Cyberscaling” within the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constanța
On 28.06.2021, 10.00-12.00, I2DS2 will co-organize with the Romanian Association for Security Education and Culture - ARECS, the Panel "Geostrategy Cyberscaling" of the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constant.
The panel will be moderated by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2 and will benefit from the extraordinary participation of Gl. (R) Ștefan Dănilă, former head of SMAp and member of CD of I2DS2, dr. Claudiu Lucaci, strategist and lecturer SNSPA, Mr. Gabriel Mazilu, strategist and former deputy director of the National Cyberint Center and (r) Mihai Liviu Dănilă, vice-president of ARECS and TAIEX Expert.
The panel will address global geopolitical dynamics, the impact of new technologies on today's world, cybersecurity on the agenda of international political, security and defence organizations, strategic communication vs fake news and propaganda in cyberspace.
More details on the conference website
I2DS2 organizes the Panel “Geostrategy Cyberscaling” within the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constanța
On 28.06.2021, 10.00-12.00, I2DS2 will co-organize with the Romanian Association for Security Education and Culture - ARECS, the Panel "Geostrategy Cyberscaling" of the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constant.
The panel will be moderated by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2 and will benefit from the extraordinary participation of Gl. (R) Ștefan Dănilă, former head of SMAp and member of CD of I2DS2, dr. Claudiu Lucaci, strategist and lecturer SNSPA, Mr. Gabriel Mazilu, strategist and former deputy director of the National Cyberint Center and (r) Mihai Liviu Dănilă, vice-president of ARECS and TAIEX Expert.
The panel will address global geopolitical dynamics, the impact of new technologies on today's world, cybersecurity on the agenda of international political, security and defence organizations, strategic communication vs fake news and propaganda in cyberspace.
More details on the conference website
I2DS2 partener al Conferinței științifice internaționale anuale, organizată de Revista „Gândirea militară românească” 11-13.11.2021
Panel plenar ”Intelligence acționabil în dinamica provocărilor geopolitice transformaționale de la Marea Neagră”, 12.11.2021
La acest panel au participat reprezentanți ai serviciilor române de informații civile și militare, precum și din mediul politic, academic și non-guvernamental, I2DS2 fiind reprezentat de vice-președintele Asociației, Glmr (r) Cristian Eremia. Dezbaterile au fost un bun prilej pentru clarificarea unor concepte și relevarea unor caracteristici concrete ale operațiilor de intelligence ale unor state ostile NATO și UE și modul posibil de afectare a securității transatlantice sub impactul numeroaselor provocări de securitate cu care ne confruntăm în prezent.
Reprezentantul I2DS2 a prezentat rezultate ale unor investigații ale Asociației privind unele tendințe în operațiile serviciilor de intelligence în plan regional sau global. O primă tendință la care s-au aliniat mai multe servicii de informații din statele Regiunii Extinse a Mării Negre (REMN) este aceea de a crește eforturile de asimilare a tehnologiilor avansate, emergente disruptive/perturbatoare, respectiv pentru inovarea și implementarea de soluții integrate de intelligence pentru operațiile actuale și de viitor. Toate acestea reprezintă reale provocări pentru serviciile de informații și securitate de pretutindeni. În REMN sunt vizibile acțiunile Rusiei și Turciei în aceste direcții. Au fost abordate cu prioritate tehnologiile avansate sau critice de culegere și procesare a informațiilor externe în domeniile SIGINT, COMINT, IMINT, GEOINT și desigur OSINT.
O altă tendință certă este aceea de folosire a tehnologiilor fără pilot, în special a sistemelor aeriene sau navale fără pilot, de către unele state din REMN pentru misiuni de ISR și ISTAR. Se remarcă aici nu numai GRU și FSB din Rusia - care folosesc la scară largă astfel de drone, dar și performanțele convingătoare atinse de Turcia. Au fost constant asimilate tehnologiile care să asigure superioritate și competitivitate în Spațiul Cibernetic. A fost detaliat cazul serviciilor ruse de informații, care devin din ce în ce mai agresive, inclusiv în operațiile de intelligence clasic.
A fost argumentată concluzia că, în războaiele din viitor, neregulate, hibride, totale sau de nouă generație, transformarea digitală, analiza predictivă și asistarea proceselor decizionale, învățarea automată și inteligența artificială vor schimba jocurile (”game changer”). Va conta extrem de mult și viteza de asimilare a noilor tehnologii de către serviciile de informații și celelalte structuri de forță ale statelor. Schimbările și tendințele de creștere a intensității și agresivității operațiilor serviciilor ruse se realizează în contextul războiului de nouă generație pe care Rusia l-a lansat împotriva Occidentului. Ca atare, a bloca acțiunile serviciilor de informații ale Moscovei ar fi practic primul pas către o descurajare cu succes.
I2DS2 organizes the Panel “Geostrategy Cyberscaling” within the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constanța
On 28.06.2021, 10.00-12.00, I2DS2 will co-organize with the Romanian Association for Security Education and Culture - ARECS, the Panel "Geostrategy Cyberscaling" of the Black Sea Cyber Security Marathon, the online conference held annually by the Maritime University of Constant.
The panel will be moderated by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2 and will benefit from the extraordinary participation of Gl. (R) Ștefan Dănilă, former head of SMAp and member of CD of I2DS2, dr. Claudiu Lucaci, strategist and lecturer SNSPA, Mr. Gabriel Mazilu, strategist and former deputy director of the National Cyberint Center and (r) Mihai Liviu Dănilă, vice-president of ARECS and TAIEX Expert.
The panel will address global geopolitical dynamics, the impact of new technologies on today's world, cybersecurity on the agenda of international political, security and defence organizations, strategic communication vs fake news and propaganda in cyberspace.
More details on the conference website
I2DS2 has participated in the Conference “Perspectives and new directions for the North Atlantic Alliance in the post-pandemic” organized by ISPAIM
Several members of I2DS2 participated on March 4 in the Conference "New Perspectives and Directions for the North Atlantic Alliance in the Post-Pandemic", organized by the Institute for Defence Political Studies and Military History (ISPAIM) within the Ministry of National Defense.
The issues addressed in the discussions focused on current issues and concerns related to the challenges facing the North Atlantic Alliance, imperatives and strategic realities. The new coordinates imposed by the post-coronavirus crisis in the context of the forthcoming NATO debates were also discussed, concerning this year's summit, the 2030 Agenda and the new strategic concept. "
The debate was a good opportunity to clarify concepts and reveal directions for transatlantic security under the impact of the many security challenges we face today.
Niculae Iancu and Ștefan Dănilă have opened InnovX - BCR Day / The Macrotrends in Geopolitics panel
Niculae Iancu and Ștefan Dănilă, president and vice-president of I2DS2, offered a geopolitical and security perspective on 2021 in the first panel of InnovX - BCR Day. The panel was moderated by Ionuț Stanimir, Marketing & Communication Director at BCR and Co-Founder BCR - InnovX.
Global macro-trends were revealed, such as the overlap between multilateralism and multipolarism, the increasing pressure on Western norms and values that have shaped the international system over the past three decades, the increasing complexity of security threats and challenges and the mutation of the centre of gravity of disruptive research—dual applications from the military to the civilian area.
A special note went to cybersecurity and the ethical and moral challenges of investing in artificial intelligence technologies, augmented reality, or autonomous machines.
I2DS2 has been a partner of the International Scientific Conference “COORDINATES OF THE MILITARY STRATEGY, IN THE CONDITIONS OF A SYNERGIC APPROACH OF RESILIENCE IN THE FIELD OF SECURITY”, organized by the Magazine “Romanian Military Thinking.”
I2DS2 has been a partner of the International Scientific Conference "COORDINATES OF THE MILITARY STRATEGY, UNDER A SYNERGIC APPROACH TO RESILIENCE IN THE FIELD OF THE ROMANIAN STATE SECURITY" Defense, between November 12-14, 2020.
The conference is a remarkable opportunity to discuss hot topics on the national and international security agenda. Organized in three sections, the conference will benefit from the presence of leading speakers in the fields of security and defence, who will discuss the transformations of the international security environment, national security resilience, information warfare and the role of strategic communication in national defence, defence management and many other topics of great interest in the current world of geopolitical and geostrategic contradictions.
I2DS2 representatives will participate in several panels to help strengthen ideas of strength as a foundation for smart and actionable solutions to the main problems facing the national security and defence ecosystem today.
Details on the conference website:
Participation of Dr. Mircea Constantin Scheau, I2DS2 Cybersecurity Programme Manager, at the online Workshop, organized by the “Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu-Jiu: “Digitalization and the labor market”
Dr Mircea Constantin Scheau, cybersecurity expert, will participate with the presentation "The role of education in the face of cyber challenges" at the Online Workshop, organized by the "Constantin Brâncuși" University of Târgu-Jiu: "Digitalization and the labour market", in dated 18.09.2020.
I2DS2 promotes, supports, develops and disseminates guidelines, analysis, policies and strategies; organizes appropriate forms of culture and education; and research and innovation activities in the fields of security, defence and intelligence.
I2DS2 has participated as a partner in the Conference "BUILDING THE MARITIME CYBERSECURITY WORLD IN THE NEXT DECADE" organized by the Maritime University of Constanța
I2DS2 participated in the second Session of the Conference "BUILDING THE MARITIME CYBERSECURITY WORLD IN THE NEXT DECADE" organized by the Maritime University of Constanța. Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2, ensured the co-moderation of the panel, together with Liviu Mihai Dănilă, vice-president of ARECS.
During the panel entitled "EXPLORING UNPREDICTABILITY AND EMBRACING UNCERTAINTY IN THE MARITIME CYBERSECURITY AT THE BLACK SEA", Mr. Dragoș Preda, Secretary of State for Communications and Information Technology, Prof. Marian Zulean from the University of Bucharest, Mr. Ion Iftimie, NATO Defense College in Rome, dl. Silviu Neghină, Sigfox, Mr. Ioan-Alexandru Dragan, Trencadis, Mr. Mircea Scheau, I2DS2 and prof. Gabriel Raicu, vice-rector of the Maritime University of Constanța.
Participation in the consultation organized by the Ministry of National Defence on the Strategic Defence Analysis
Between January and March, I2DS2 participated in the extensive consultation process organized by the Ministry of National Defense in the context of the elaboration of the Strategic Defense Analysis, a fundamental document of public defense policy.
In accordance with the topics under debate, I2DS2 contributed three analysis reports whose conclusions were presented by the president of the Association, Niculae Iancu.
The security environment forecast from the perspective of 2040 provides a representation and interpretation of the nature and distribution of threats to Romania's national security that should be managed in terms of national defense by 2040.
The influence of emerging and disruptive technologies on the organization and use of the armed forces proposes definitions for the notions that are constantly found in debates on the impact of new technologies on defense and provides estimates and predictions on the impact of emerging and disruptive technologies on the organization and use of the armed forces.
Alternative scenarios in strategic defense planning offer a set of alternative planning scenarios, those very unlikely events, difficult to predict, but with significant impact, for which, as a rule, the causes are established and described post factum.
I2DS2 will continue to be actively involved in supporting the implementation of the Strategic Defense Analysis and subsequent processes.
Round table on the evolution of the security environment and consequences on Romania's defence policy
I2DS2 participated on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, in the Round Table “Coordinates of the current security environment and consequences on Romania's defense policy. Substantiation of strategic documents through the strategic analysis of defense ”organized by the Institute for Defense Political Studies and Military History within the Ministry of National Defense. The meeting took place in the context of the elaboration of the Strategic Defense Analysis, an extremely important step to ensure the coherence of the national defense planning process in an increasingly unpredictable and complex international security environment.
According to the Ministry of National Defense communiqué , "the activity was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, academia, civil society, the national defense industry and the Ministry of National Defense".
The vice-president of I2DS2, gl. (R) Ștefan Dănilă, moderated the panel Fundamentation of defense strategies. Strategic defense analysis. " and formulated the conclusions of the event.
I2DS2 will continue to be actively involved in supporting the implementation of the Strategic Defense Analysis and subsequent processes.
"Strategic Defence Analysis 2020" - working meeting
I2DS2 participated on Friday, January 17, 2020, in the first working meeting, organized by the Defense Staff with the focus groups, dedicated to consultations and contributions to the “Strategic Defense Analysis 2020” process. According to the communiqué of the Ministry of National Defense, the activity was attended by soldiers, representatives of civil society, the Romanian academic environment and specialized think tanks: ASPEN Institute, Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning, New Strategy Center, German Marshall Fund, I2DS2, Defense and Security Monitor, Institute for Defense Political Studies and Military History, as well as from the National Defense University.
Open Debate on European Defence
I2DS2 organized on December 12, 2019, an open debate on " European Defense. Abstract concept or pragmatic objective for Romania's national security? ”( Details here ... ) The debate was attended by former high-level decision-makers and specialists in the fields of security and defence, along with representatives of the business environment, the academic and research community. The introduction of the topic and the moderation of the discussions were provided by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2. Cristian Eremia and George Tibil, members of I2DS2, offered a perspective on the evolution, stage and development perspectives of European security and defence. Topics were detailed such as CFSP and EEAS; CSDP - vision, history, evolution; European defence initiatives - PESCO and EDF, together with the CDP and CARD mechanisms; military mobility and EU battlegroups. Alternative scenarios of European defence in the current international security context were explored together with the audience. The dominant question was: "What would be the smart decisions that our country could take in the seemingly dichotomous context provided by Brussels' determination to accelerate the integration of European defence, or to accentuate differences of vision about the future of transatlantic security?"
Participants argued extremely diverse opinions, with notes of euro-scepticism, "euro-realism" or moderate optimism.
A substantive conclusion could be that "the EU (Europe) is not ready to defend itself, NATO continues to be the strongest guarantee that Europe can meet current and future security challenges, but participate in the development of the EU's common defence it is a priority that needs to be addressed wisely ”.
NATO strategic brief provided by I2DS2
December 4, 2019
NATO leaders gathered in London this morning to reaffirm their commitment to strengthen the Alliance in a strategic context of ”distinct threats and challenges emanating from all strategic directions.”
You could find the key points of the London Declaration in our Strategic brief.
Open Debate on Patriotism with Young Romanian Entrepreneurs
I2DS2 organized on 29.10.2019 an open debate on the concept of patriotism with young Romanian entrepreneurs. The debate was moderated by Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2, while the discussant was Ciprian Păltineanu. Speakers: Daniel Dumitrescu , Bogdan Ștefan and Alex Gliga . The debate was attended by former high-level decision-makers and specialists in security and defence, along with representatives of the business environment and I2DS2 members.
The central topics of the debate were: patriotism and nationalism - particularities and convergences, patriotism in the age of globalization, patriotism - business - the state.
Participation in the "Startup Grind Bucharest Innovation & Finance in Dual Use Technologies"
Niculae Iancu, president of I2DS2, participated on October 17 to debate the challenges and opportunities provided by dual technologies to the Romanian business and research environment.
The evening's special guest was James Harris, Vice President at PFP Cybersecurity, who explained how important the public-private partnership is in developing dual-use technologies. The health of a national ecosystem of dual technologies ensures performance and competitiveness in a world increasingly affected by new technologies.
The moderator of the debate was Daniel Dumitrescu, Startup Grind Bucharest, InnovX BCR.
Participation in the National Symposium “Organizational Security. Challenges and perspectives "
I2DS2 participated, on October 10, in Deva, in the National Symposium “Organizational Security. Challenges and perspectives ”.
The event was attended by over 100 representatives of local authorities and institutions of justice, defense, public order and national security, as well as NGOs interested in reference topics, from Hunedoara and the region.
The central theme of the debates was the protection of classified information and how organizational security and national security are influenced by their ability to manage classified information.
Participation in the Conference "National Security Policy, from Strategic Thinking to Security and Defence Institutions"
Members of the Association "Integrated Security, Defense and Intelligence Solutions" participated on 03.10.2019 in the Conference "National Security Policy, from Strategic Thinking to Security and Defense Institutions" organized by the Monitor of Defense and Security, a project developed with participation of I2DS2 / TID Group.
Niculae Iancu moderated the first panel "Fundamental National Interests and Threats to National Security (from Perception to Rationality)", George Tibil moderated Panel 3 "Romania's National Security in an International Context - Are There Ideal Models of National Security?", And Ștefan Dănilă was specially invited in panel 2 "Romania's capacity to ensure the national security of the state and its citizens" and formulated the conclusions of the conference at the end, together with the organizer of the entire event, Adrian Sârbu, Mediafax.
Participation in the round table "Digitization, Security, Integrated Vision"
I2DS2 participated on 30.09.2019 in the round table "digitization, security, integrated vision" organized by the INOMAR Cluster, Maritime University of Constanța and Constanța Port Business Association. Representatives of the authorities attended the debate with responsibilities in port management, national security institutions and law enforcement in Constanța, the business environment, and associations and providers of security services and solutions.
On this occasion, the concept of the PCY INFRANET project was presented, which aims to create a common virtual space and offers a wide range of cyber services to all actors in the maritime-port sector.
Open Debate on the Concept of National Security
I2DS2 organized on 24.09.2019 an open debate on the concept of national security. The debate was attended by former high-level decision-makers and specialists in security and defence, along with representatives of the academic and research community, the business environment and promoters of strategic and prospective thinking. The central themes of the debate were: the concept of national security between abstraction and trivialization, systemic solutions to ensure national security, the place and role of the state and the citizen in the national security ecosystem, the influence of the international security context on national security.
The discussions were moderated by Niculae Iancu, President of I2DS2, and the topics were substantiated by Ștefan Dănilă, Vice-President of I2DS2.